The art of babywearing is once that has been brought to us by our mothers and our mothers mothers. Women are excellent multitasking, usually, and because of this we have created unique and comfortable ways to keep our babies close to us, their primary source of substance. Daddies have also joined us in this as well. There are MANY forms of carriers.
Just to name a few there are: Ergos, Baby K’tans, Slings, Mei Tais, Moby Wraps, Maya Wraps, etc. Most are super comfy. The best thing to do is attend a babywearing class and try on a few. I will post classes as I learn about them on the Bulletin Board. I have pretty much every carrier you can think of so if you like you can think of and am more then happy to loan them out for practice. Some are specifically designed for body type and require sizing.