La Leche League says it best:

Mandie Medford, CLE
Jackie Georgiou, CLE
lactation consultants
Le Leche League
Monthly Evening La Leche Breastfeeding Support Meetings.
Third Tuesday of each month from 7:00 – 9:00 pm at the Well Rounded Momma center.
There are some moms that try so hard and cannot breastfeed as long or as much as they hope to. For these mommas I find that a fresh formula is a much better alternative. I have done much research and this is my favorite formula recipe. Some of the ones I have found do not have enough iron so the liquid vitamins in this one really help. You can find a really good infant vitamin at Whole Foods.
Infant Formula Recipe
2 Cups – Goats Milk
2 Cups – Enriched Organic Rice Dream
1 T. – Black Strap Molasses
1 T. – Liquid Acidophilus
1 T. – Flax Seed Oil
1 t. – Liquid Vitamin C
1 t. – Liquid CalMag (calcium & magnesium)
1/8 t. – Wheat Germ (powdered **)
16 drops – Trace Minerals (concentrated)
1 t. – Infant Vitamins (optional)
Chiropractic care can be a cure to many ailments before, during and after pregnancy. Their natural, holistic methods of healing are prime for this time in your life. There are many wonderful chiropractors in the Las Vegas area. We recommend Wise Chiropractic or Chiropractic for Life.